Spatial Audio Microphones Self-Noise Comparison (4 Mics)

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Spatial Audio Microphones Setup 2

The past year has seen a lot of innovations in the 360° video industry and sound is one of them. In this article, I share my thoughts about the new spatial/ambisonic audio microphones that have hit the market recently and how they compare to the earlier generation. On the one side, we have the Røde […]

Need to Be Alone? These VR Experiences are Perfect for You!

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VRBorg - Need to be alone in VR?

VR Borg has kindly mentioned our VR Experiences for people who require some time by themselves. There are also some other VR Experiences so be sure to take a look at the whole article. Note though that the Google Play app is not actively maintained anymore because it is too complex. A better option […]

Atmosphaeres videos used for Augmented Reality project

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Josef Grunig did a project called “Augmenting your home window” by overlaying 360 video content with the physical environment while maintaining the parallax sensation. You want to watch Atmosphaeres’ beautiful 360 VR nature footage through a home window? Find the video and Josef’s interesting article here:  

Tibetan Singing Bowls – VR Sound Therapy with Sound Healer Chrystal Nathal

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Atmosphaeres has partnered with sound healer Chrystal Nathal to bring you the soothing and therapeutic sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls played on a beautiful beach in tropical Australia. Originally recorded to help young cancer patients in a Norwegian hospital during the sometimes many weeks of isolation in a highly sterile recovery room after bone marrow […]

Reflections and Release of The Bavarian Alps Atmosphaere

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Atmosphaeres - The Bavarian Alps

Before I went to sleep last night I realised something very important and today I am going to act accordingly. Last night, after 2 months of finding, repairing and upgrading the Atmosphaeres Field Office (see photo below), racing from one location to the next to record a new shot, always trying to find the sweet […]

Atmosphaeres – Vlog 7 – A Tour of the AFO

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Step inside and take a look at the Atmosphaeres Field Office Slide-On Camper. This vehicle has everything we need – kitchen, bedroom, storage space, table and seats AND we can separate the camper section from the 4WD so we can go into the really remote places to find the most beautiful locations for you guys. Go on, […]